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The ugly face of global capitalism: Big Shiny banned from MyS***

As some of you may remember I was involved a little bit with Big Shiny, a sideproject from ACEtone, NYC, the worlds leading studio for fine dub music. In 2004 the masterpiece "Kratzen für das Ebenleben" was released. Flying beyond the radar of the musical industries Big Shiny had become the major influence of all progression in music since than. Probably this has become a serious threat now, so at a first step MyS*** (you know I never link to them anyway) decided to delete the profile of Big Shiny and ban them from their website (more info). So Big Shiny is expecting major deals - the main weapon of the companies to destroy music - any time soon.

Fuck them. You can't stop us.

Komische Sache, dieses Internet ...

... da brauche ich ein Photo und finde eins von meiner Lieblingsband im Taubentunnel. Soweit, so gut. Aber dann geht es so weiter: eine US-Hardcoreband trägt St.-Pauli-Shirts im CBGB, Atom and his Package live im Mumpitz in Wolfenbüttel (in Befolgung von Tipp 10) und eher deprimierend alten Helden im Jahre 2009, die mir in genau so einer Stadt - Kenosha, Wisconsin und zufälligerweise Partnerstadt von Wolfenbüttel - nahegebracht worden ist ... alles nur 7 Klicks weg. (UN:ART:IG hat da im Übrigen noch mehr lecker Videos.)

Eating Betty: "every spoil a DUB"

As anounced elsewhere, finally Eating Betty's "every spoil a DUB" appears on our shitty little planet. Thanks to someone special I was able to grab the CD from my postbox before leaving to Berlin. After the business stuff, I've had a good time with old friends and some poets* (MC Jabber really rocks!) there. Right now I'm sitting under the surveillance of at least a dozen of robocops** in the train back to Hamburg, a weak autumn sun fighting bravely through the clouds ... northeastern german wastelands.

In my ears the new piece from NYC ... starting slowly and a promising deep bass (wrong equipment here, but the neighbours have been warned). Never losing track off (the) roots. Pieces of voices from somewhere, disturbing, echoing in the back of the songs and listening mind ... And of course, again the typical Eating Betty guitar: not quite fitting to a dub setup (and if you listened to some of the other ACEtone projects you'll find out for sure, that he knows to play dirty rock'n'roll as well ...), but lurking around the edges, filling in the gaps of echos, somehow present adding something handmade and easy.

A very nice cd of dub that doesn't share the (often) sterile atmosphere of this category. Roots and influences are not just mixed up, everything went through the special Eating Betty evolution process first. This is nicely put together with original and unique selfmade parts. And: There is always something warm and human in it based on human voices and "real" instruments. And warmth and humanity is a lot in this dark age. As my (so far - may change after further hearing) favourite track is titled: Goodness Dub.

So, if you're ready for dub, eager to shake your ass or just curious gegenglueck recommends this one. I was told it's available in every good online shop, but if you go out and demand it at your favourite record shop, the dealer could benefit from widening his horizon as well.

* Sorry, but I do NOT link to MyShit.
**After recounting: alone in this part of the train there is a robocop for every four of the passengers. Probably I'm surrounded by grannies with bombs in their purses, toddlers with pumpguns in their bagpack, nerds with laptops hacking into everything, every second passenger is reading "how to build a bomb"-books hidden behind bestseller covers ... a society of terrorists. And old men with ballpens, printing the internet day by day, are the last ones standing to fight it with robocops, surveillance, fascistic laws ...

Good news from NYC

No, it's not about a new president. This doesn't change anything and until the end of january there's enough time for the actual primate president to start another war, start nuclear power plants and he'll definetly waste more money.

The good news are here: ACEtone finally released a new album from "Eating Betty" my favourite dub source. Check it out yourself, when the piece is shaking my walls I'll let you know about my impressions.

"Scheisse, nicht schon wieder Bernstein ..."

... wie oft habe ich das beim Radeln durchs Baltikum gedacht. Und nun macht eine Band meines Vertrauens eine MiniCD (27 Minuten) mit dem Titel "Scheisse, nicht schon wieder Bernstein" - sauber. Da mich die Finanzkrise mangels Kapital nicht erwischt hat und mein Geiztherapeut noch nicht die Kontrolle übenommen hat, habe ich mir also ein schönes Metallkästchen mit dem neuen Machwerk von Kommando Sonne-nmilch zugelegt. Das Ganze ein bisschen zurückgenommener als die letzte Scheibe, aber nichtsdestotrotz wieder ganz weit vorne.

Das wird live sicher ganz fein. Fehlt nur noch der Termin ...