The ugly face of global capitalism: Big Shiny banned from MyS***
As some of you may remember I was involved a little bit with Big Shiny, a sideproject from ACEtone, NYC, the worlds leading studio for fine dub music. In 2004 the masterpiece "Kratzen für das Ebenleben" was released. Flying beyond the radar of the musical industries Big Shiny had become the major influence of all progression in music since than. Probably this has become a serious threat now, so at a first step MyS*** (you know I never link to them anyway) decided to delete the profile of Big Shiny and ban them from their website (more info). So Big Shiny is expecting major deals - the main weapon of the companies to destroy music - any time soon.
Fuck them. You can't stop us.
Fuck them. You can't stop us.
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