Gelesen September 2018
34. Peter F. Hamilton, Misspent Youth (There's a reason, why Wikipedia states this is Hamilton's worst novel ...)
33. Cixin Liu, Der dunkle Wald (Fortsetzung von "3-Body-Problem"; immer noch sehr unterhaltsam.)
30.-32. Peter F. Hamilton, The Greg Mandel Trilogy - Mindstar Rising / A Quantum Murder / The Nano Flower (Sometimes the omnipotent beautiful Julia of Event Horizon gets on your nerves, but the stories on a future earth are worth reading.)
33. Cixin Liu, Der dunkle Wald (Fortsetzung von "3-Body-Problem"; immer noch sehr unterhaltsam.)
30.-32. Peter F. Hamilton, The Greg Mandel Trilogy - Mindstar Rising / A Quantum Murder / The Nano Flower (Sometimes the omnipotent beautiful Julia of Event Horizon gets on your nerves, but the stories on a future earth are worth reading.)
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