Gelesen April 2016
Keine besonderen Vorkommnisse.
24. Anne George, Mörderische Dividende (Eher langweiliger Krimi, wobei die ironische Betrachtung älterer US-Amerikanerinnen manchmal ganz lustig sind.
23. Julie Garwood, Sizzle (I think this sentence from the book description explains very well, why you don't need to read it: "No one mixes life-and-death suspense with feverish desire better than Julie Garwood")
22. Jeff Garrity, Mars Girl (A cynic view on media and politics in the not to far future that entertained me, but won't stick.)
21. Lisa Gardner, Live to tell (Boring crime story with a tough female detective, but some psycho kid stuff was quite scary.)
24. Anne George, Mörderische Dividende (Eher langweiliger Krimi, wobei die ironische Betrachtung älterer US-Amerikanerinnen manchmal ganz lustig sind.
23. Julie Garwood, Sizzle (I think this sentence from the book description explains very well, why you don't need to read it: "No one mixes life-and-death suspense with feverish desire better than Julie Garwood")
22. Jeff Garrity, Mars Girl (A cynic view on media and politics in the not to far future that entertained me, but won't stick.)
21. Lisa Gardner, Live to tell (Boring crime story with a tough female detective, but some psycho kid stuff was quite scary.)
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