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Gelesen Juli 2013

* Doug Welch, Shadow Games (Another find on feedbooks who made their page unusable with language guessing bullshit; Doug Welch freely admits that this was a freetime project. The story was ok, but the tag "sci-fi" is a plain lie and the "romance" part is what make the book annoying after a while. Behind this true love bullshit most ideas for the stories got lost or pressed into a few lines. Oh, and the military macho thinking isn't my cup of tea as well.)
* Cory Doctorow, Homeland - (Kind of a sequel to Little Browser and as least as good. The novel is published in February but all the info from Snowden is already there - we conspiracy friends had always known that. Some thing I really like about Doctorow is his enthusiasm about people who DO things, he writes about activism, hackspaces, dumpster diving and a lot of other cool shit in a way that makes you wanna run for your soldering iron, look up the internet for some info and start doing things. Actually I think it's pretty cool when someone's writing makes you starting new things. And I recently bought a soldering iron. No reason to stop reading though.)
* Thomas Pletzinger, Gentlemen wir leben am Abgrund (Noch ein Holzbuch. Pletzinger erlebte eine ziemliche turbulente Saison bei Alba Berlin hautnah mit, ich war skeptisch, aber er schreibt ein sehr unterhaltsames Buch. Nicht nur für Basketaballgeeks wie mich.)
* David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas (Holzbuch. Nice. Difficult to read, but definetely worth the effort. Somehow I feel tricked into reading of short stories because they're only slightly related, but nevertheless I liked them a lot.)


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