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Working around Egyptian Censorship

While the news from Egypt are both encouraging and horrifying, it's hard to get in touch with people within the country. Internetaccess, phonelines, tv - all this is target for egyptian attempts to censor and block information. So gegenglueck - worrying about friends who where online at least yesterday - spreads some ressources / hints. Maybe it helps.

A collection of good ressources for news at iRevolution.

Internet access seems to be possible via dial up! A good ressource is werebuild - if you can check for updates there! Below a copy of the dialup info:

* A more updated pad with modem pools here:

* A dialup guide for cell phones and lots of numbers: Manal and Alaas

* A french ISP, offer a free dial-up internet access against egypt censorship.
Number : +33 1 72 89 01 50. Login/Password: toto

* We are now providing dialup modem service
Number: +46850009990. user/pass: telecomix/telecomix

* “free” PPP dial-up access on Madrid, Spain:
+34 912910230. / pass:internetforegypt

* Dutch non-registred dialup ISP. Non-hidden phone number required, SMTP blocked
Number: +31 20 7155593. Login:, no password []

* Massive list of american ISP dialups:
Login/pass: guest/password

* Bainbridge: (206) 312-1000
* Bainbridge: (206) 312-1500
* Bainbridge: (206) 312-2500
* Bainbridge: (206) 312-3700
* Bellevue: (425) 786-1000
* Bellevue: (425) 786-1111
* Bellevue: (425) 786-7777
* Bellevue: (425) 786-5073
* Black Diamond: (360) 469-1000
* Black Diamond: (360) 469-1111
* Black Diamond: (360) 469-2000
* Black Diamond: (360) 469-2222
* Buckley: (360) 761-6000
* Buckley: (360) 761-6111
* Buckley: (360) 761-6101
* Buckley: (360) 761-6102
* Centralia: (360) 523-1000
* Centralia: (360) 523-1111
* Centralia: (360) 523-1001
* Centralia: (360) 523-1002
* Graham: (253) 780-1000
* Graham: (253) 780-1100
* Graham: (253) 780-2000
* Graham: (253) 780-2020
* Hoodsport: (360) 717-1000
* Hoodsport: (360) 717-1111
* Hoodsport: (360) 717-1122
* Hoodsport: (360) 717-1133
* Olympia: (360) 515-3000
* Olympia: (360) 515-3001
* Olympia: (360) 515-3030
* Olympia: (360) 515-3131
* Seattle: (206) 495-1000
* Seattle: (206) 424-1111
* Seattle: (206) 337-5050 *
* Seattle: (206) 337-5252


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