Gelesen März 2015

Wenig Masse, aber dafür vor allem am Ende Qualität:

17. Cixin Liu, The Three-Body-Problem (Chinese Sci-Fi. The book gave me a hard time trying to find orientiation between cultural revolution madness, scientific theories, problems of an alien civilisation, chinese names and references, religious demasking and a lot more. Nevertheless this was very good, smart and entertaining. I really like the idea of cultural pessimism leading into betrayal of the hole human race. But when it's too late, it turns out the alien civilisation which some people see as saviour of the earth, isn't much better. Maybe the sequels will tell, If there's hope for mankind. Or hope at all. A big "Thank you and hello!" to Nikki from Bookpunks.)
16. China Mieville, Un Lun Dun (I'm a big fan of Mieville's work, but this is a book for teens and I'm definetely too old. It has a lot of cool and crazy ideas, but the Story of brave little Deeba saving Unlundon is a bit thin and simple.)
15. Markus Heitz, Exkarnation (Thriller. Eine etwas wirre Vampir/Werwolf & andere Seelenwanderergeschichte vermixt mit üblichem Agententhrillerzeugs. Ganz unterhaltsam. Vermutlich folgt auch eine Fortsetzung, ansonsten wären die offenen Enden ziemlich mutig.)