Gelesen Juli 2012
* Wolfgang Brenner, Bollinger und die Barbaren (Krimiartiges im französisch-detschen Grenzland, komisches Gejammer über Frauen, ein Unlogisches Ende und nichts was man sich merken muss. Also genau das richtige nach dem eben gelesenen Baroque Circle)
* Neal Stephenson, The System of the World - Vol 3 of the Baroque Circle (After reading the first 2 parts while cycling in Sweden, I kept this one until I hit the road again. So this was read while cycling along the Polish coast. The final volume of the Baroque Circle is as great as the precessors. Very well researched, very well written always a bit on the ironic site. The author is a bit obsessed with the town's smell and human turds all over the place, but I guess that's just the way it was at that time. The story of Dr. Waterhouse comes to kind of an end matching the end of a period that maybe opens up more questions than delivering answers. But as we know from the autor's book Cryptonomicon the successors of Dr. Waterhouse stay in business ...)
* T. C. Boyle, Die Frauen (Das ist wieder eines der Bücher, in denen Boyle "große Amerikaner" porträtiert, hier den Architekten Wright. Während ich "Willkommen in Wellville" großartig fand, setzt dieses die Tendenz danach fort: jede dieser literatischen Biographien wird noch langweiliger als der Vorgänger. Das war jetzt hart an der Grenze.)
* T. C. Boyle, When the killing is done (Again a nice one from Boyle, a story about some small Islands near St. Barbara, very different family histories and interests who fight for their version of the "correct managed island". And as the cover claims: "Shipwrecks galore".)
* Neal Stephenson, The System of the World - Vol 3 of the Baroque Circle (After reading the first 2 parts while cycling in Sweden, I kept this one until I hit the road again. So this was read while cycling along the Polish coast. The final volume of the Baroque Circle is as great as the precessors. Very well researched, very well written always a bit on the ironic site. The author is a bit obsessed with the town's smell and human turds all over the place, but I guess that's just the way it was at that time. The story of Dr. Waterhouse comes to kind of an end matching the end of a period that maybe opens up more questions than delivering answers. But as we know from the autor's book Cryptonomicon the successors of Dr. Waterhouse stay in business ...)
* T. C. Boyle, Die Frauen (Das ist wieder eines der Bücher, in denen Boyle "große Amerikaner" porträtiert, hier den Architekten Wright. Während ich "Willkommen in Wellville" großartig fand, setzt dieses die Tendenz danach fort: jede dieser literatischen Biographien wird noch langweiliger als der Vorgänger. Das war jetzt hart an der Grenze.)
* T. C. Boyle, When the killing is done (Again a nice one from Boyle, a story about some small Islands near St. Barbara, very different family histories and interests who fight for their version of the "correct managed island". And as the cover claims: "Shipwrecks galore".)